Assalamualaikum & Hello Sweet Crafters,
Saya dapat feedback yang baik mengenai pembelian mesin secara ansuran ni.
Jadi, untuk menyenangkan pihak pembeli dan juga utk rekod saya, maka saya telah membuat plan pembelian. Anda boleh pilih plan mana yg sesuai dengan bajet bulanan yer.
Setiap pembelian machine Big Shot/Bigkick Vintage anda akan mendapat VOUCHER untuk pembelian akan datang. Voucher ini boleh ditebusguna untuk membeli dies atau stamps. Cuma kalau beli secara tunai dapat RM10 voucher, tapi untuk mebeli secara ansuran dapat RM3 voucher. Manakala, Big Shot Pro akan mendapat voucher RM10, jika beli secara tunai akan mendapat voucher RM20. Fair untuk pembeli tunai dan pembeli secara ansuran kan?.
Deposit: RM300
Bulanan: RM150 selama 2 bulan
Plan 2
Deposit : RM300
Bulanan: RM100 selama 3 bulan
Plan 3
Deposit : RM200
Bulanan : RM100 selama 4 bulan
Plan 1
Deposit : RM650
Bulanan: RM650 selama 2 bulan
Plan 2
Deposit : RM45
Bulanan: RM500 selama 3 bulan
Plan 3
Deposit : RM45
Bulanan: RM400 selama 4 bulan
Saya akan pos/deliver machine kepada anda apabila payment telah lengkap.
Jika anda berminat, boleh PM SomethingSweet dengan menyatakan
1) Machine yang dikehendaki
2) Plan yang dipilih
3) Alamat Surat menyurat
Included with the Big Shot are a pair of Standard Cutting Pads and the adjustable Multipurpose Platform, which makes all makes all Sizzix components thinner than a Bigz Die compatible with the Big Shot Machine and even works with other brands' dies and embossing tools! The diagrams on the Multipurpose Platform offer easy guidelines about how to make the perfect Sizzix sandwich.
The Big Shot Machine measures approximately 14 1/4" x 12 3/8" x 6 5/8" and features a three-year limited warranty.
Included with the BIGkick are a pair of Standard Cutting Pads and the Solo Platform & Shim, which makes all Sizzix components thinner than a Bigz Die - including Sizzix DecoEtch and DecoEmboss Dies - compatible with the BIGkick Machine. Add a Solo Wafer-Thin Die Adapter (sold separately), and the BIGkick Machine can even work with Framelits as well as other brands' dies and embossing tools! The diagrams on the Solo Platform, Shim and Adapter offer easy guidelines about how to make the perfect Sizzix sandwich.
The BIGkick Machine measures approximately 12 1/4" x 6" x 14 1/2" and features a three-year limited warranty.
Constructed from industrial-strength materials, the Big Shot Pro Machine features a 13" wide opening to cut or emboss many different materials. Included with this Big Shot Pro are a Standard Sliding Tray, a Standard Adapter Pad, a Standard Cutting Pad, a Premium Crease Pad, two 0.10 mm Mylar Shims and a Die Pick. The Standard Sliding Tray accommodates the movement of all shape-cutting or embossing products measuring 12" x 14" or smaller through the machine opening.
The Big Shot Pro Standard Adapter Pad makes all Sizzix steel-rule dies measuring 12" x 14" or smaller compatible with the Big Shot Pro Machine. (Additional platforms or adapters may be required to create the sandwich.) Complete compatibility with 25" long Sizzix steel-rule dies requires the Extended Sliding Tray, Extended Adapter Pad and Extended Cutting Pads. All accessories sold separately. Any shape-cutting or embossing product thinner than a Bigz Die requires the Big Shot Pro Solo Platform, Shim & Wafer-Thin Die Adapter (sold separately). The diagrams on the Big Shot Pro Solo Platform, Shim & Wafer-Thin Die Adapter offer easy guidelines about how to make the perfect Sizzix sandwich.
The Big Shot Pro Machine measures approximately 24 1/4" x 15" x 7 1/2" and features a three-year limited warranty.
Semua machines ada warranty. Sila baca disini
This is great news for crafters who are on a tight budget. Will share this with others.
Thank you kraftingkats.
Saya minat sangat nak buat2 craft ni tapi saya x tahu apa2 pasal mc ni smua.. boleh bg penerangab sikit tak kalau beginner macam saya elok beli mc yg mcm mana?
Hi HaSha Machito',
Firstly, saya anggap awak ni fabric & paper crafter. Sebab kita xmungkin akan static pada satu jenis material sahaja in future.
Selalunya Malaysian suka Sizzix Big Shot. Kenapa? Sebab saiznya yang sederhana lebar dan kebolehan menggunakan pelbagai jenis dies yang ada di pasaran Malaysia. Kelebihan utama mesin ni boleh digunakan bersama dies keluaran Sizzix yang tajam dan boleh cut paper/fabric 3,4 helai sekali arung. Dies dijual berasingan yer.
Kenapa saya highlight dies Sizzix yang tajam tu? Sebab, saya menganggap mungkin awak nak potong fabric satu hari nanti. Jadi, die sizzix adalah pilihan yang paling tepat.
Jika awak ada sebarang masalah, boleh email direct kepada saya. Saya sudi membantu.
hi..saya berminat untuk beli bigshot secara ansuran..saya nk ikut plan 3 bagi bigshot &sidekick vintage tu...camna ea? dies nya pun saya x tau mana nk beli..? need ur feedback <3 tq
Hi Zue Azif,
Pelan ansuran memang masih dibuka pada bila-bila masa. Masalahnya sekarang ni saya bimbang bila bayaran sudah settled, mesin masih belum sampai Malaysia sebab stock yang terhad sekarang ni. Tapi jika awak boleh terima kenyataan ni,
awk boleh email saya di untuk proses pembelian. kini menjual pin teringin nk buat sendiri.mesin yg mcmnee blh utk sy ye?sy pon teringin nk buat key chain dr kain felt.mcner blh bgtau tk jenis mesin yg blh buat kedua2 skali
salam.kalau saya nak beli secara tunai berapa harga dia ye?
Salam myra ariffin, tunai rm600. Color powder blue n teal. Standard package ada mesin, a pair cutting pad dan extended multiplatform. Dpt free postage dan juga voucher rm10 untuk beli dies.
Salam stock Ada lgi x?nk beli scara tunai,contc 0175342006
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